
Software Technologies

Download older versions

Here you can download older versions of Nexus, Nexus Ultimate and Winstep Xtreme up until version v16.9 (previous releases were not archived)...

Running older versions is not recommended since they may lack support for newer builds of Windows or they may have stability issues that have long been detected and fixed.

Clicking the date on the left of the table will take you to the announcement page for that particular release, listing all changes, additions and bug fixes. Clicking the application name on the right will download the full setup file for that particular version.

How to determine which version to download

To determine the last version that will run with your license key, refer either to the original registration email or to the text at the bottom of the About tab in Preferences, both will say something like "THIS LICENSE KEY IS VALID FOR ALL [product] updates released, or to be released, until [date].

With this information at hand, scan your product related table for the last version released immediately prior to this date.

Winstep Xtreme

Transform your Desktop!

Nexus Ultimate

The Advanced Docking System for Windows

Winstep Nexus

The FREE professional dock for Windows


Product Comparison


Older Versions

Latest News

Happy Holidays!

December 11, 2023

Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Winstep Xtreme v23.11 Released!

December 8, 2023

v23.11 adds per monitor taskbars and tasklists and mitigates Windows 11 22H2 changes and bugs, plus many new features and stability improvements!

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Nexus Dock v23.11 Released!

December 8, 2023

v23.11 adds per monitor tasklists for docks and mitigates Windows 11 22H2 changes and bugs, plus many new features and stability improvements!

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