An integrated workspace environment, Winstep Xtreme is a powerful suite of applications that merge incredible usability and performance with breathtaking eye candy.
Winstep Xtreme runs on the 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7.
Weather module is now working again (you can read more about why it stopped working here).
Choose one of many effects available when launching an application or a dock item needs your attention...
What's New? Highlighted Features:
Besides getting the weather module to work again, robustness is increased by supporting two alternative weather forecast feeds: if one of those feeds fails in the future, the other will be used automatically.
You can now use most of the dock mouseover effects as the 'Launch' and 'Attention' effects.
Added new Tray tab to WorkShelf Preferences and vastly improved management of cached tray icons (the tray icon cache no longer grows to contain hundreds of images when using applications that put random data images on the system tray).
The size of the system tray icons in NextSTART can now be user-specified from 16x16 to 64x64.
Desktop modules can now remain visible even when hovering the Aeropeek button in the taskbar.
Added new 'Flip3D' internal command, which you can now add to the dock and click to start Flip3D.
Fixed a problem with maximized Chrome windows where the dock would stop responding to edge bumps.
Fixed problem with animated dock control icons stopping to animate.
... and more! Please see complete change log below...
WorkShelf v11.10 complete change log:
Updated Polish language file.
Updated Farsi language file.
Added 'Keep Shelf visible when pressing WIN+D (Show Desktop)' setting to the Behavior tab of the Shelf Properties window.
Vista/Windows 7: Added new 'Start Flip3D' internal command.
Desktop Modules now also remain visible on AeroPeek if the 'Keep modules visible when pressing WIN+D (Show Desktop)' setting is enabled.
Added customizable 'Launch' and 'Attention' effects to the dock.
The Weather module now automatically falls back to the Google weather feed if the feed fails.
The 'Reset Tray Cache' button in the Troubleshooting dialog now displays a confirmation dialog.
Added new 'Tray' tab to Preferences to configure settings related to the system tray.
System tray customization can now be disabled in the new Tray tab in Preferences to avoid wasting resources in case the user has no intention to customize tray icons.
Added a secondary MSN Weather feed as backup.
A sub-dock on the Shelf now opens automatically when dragging an item over the sub-dock icon.
Added a setting (enabled by default) in the new Systray tab to automatically exclude system tray image caching for applications that generate more than 42 different tray images.
Added a Tray Exclusion list to manually exclude applications from having their tray icons cached.
The 'Hide Dock Control Icon' setting in the dock Contents tab wasn't doing anything.
The 'Tab Properties' dialog showed screen edge bump activation methods for that tab, which are not allowed.
If the dock popup delay on mouseover was set to 0 ms it was almost impossible to get to the Windows Start Menu after clicking the 'Show Start Menu' internal command icon, as the Start Menu would immediately lose focus and disappear.
Because some Windows services may *potentially* block the Winstep service for up to 30 seconds (and thus freeze the Winstep application relying on it), no calls are now made to the Winstep service for the first minute after Windows startup, to give the system time to 'settle down'.
Collapsing a floating dock would stop the Nexus control icon animation.
Animation settings for the Nexus control icon were not being used or saved.
License keys could be rejected as invalid if the user used a registration name so long that it caused the license key to exceed the size of the buffer allocated for it in memory. This has been fixed by doubling the size of the buffer.
A maximized Chrome window acted as a full screen window when appearing on a secondary monitor or if the taskbar was hidden. This would automatically and temporarily disable all edge bump activation methods, a feature implemented to prevent users from being accidentaly dumped into the desktop when playing full screen games.
Disabling the Shelf could cause the application to crash when exiting Preferences.
Fixed some z-order problems with in-Shelf sub-docks and drag & drop.
NextSTART v11.10 complete change log:
Updated Farsi language file.
Updated Polish language file.
Vista/Windows 7: Added new 'Start Flip3D' internal command.
The 'Reset Tray Cache' button in the Troubleshooting dialog now displays a confirmation dialog.
System tray icon size can now be specified from 16x16 to 64x64 pixels.
System tray customization can now be disabled in the Systray dialog to avoid wasting resources in case the user has no intention to customize tray icons.
Added a setting (enabled by default) in the Systray dialog to automatically exclude system tray image caching for applications that generate more than 42 different tray images.
Added a Tray Exclusion list to manually exclude applications from having their tray icons cached.
Added setting to increase the system tray refresh rate from once per second to 16 times per second, affecting even system tray menus.
License keys could be rejected as invalid if the user used a registration name so long that it caused the license key to exceed the size of the buffer allocated for it in memory. This has been fixed by doubling the size of the buffer.
A maximized Chrome window acted as a full screen window when appearing on a secondary monitor or if the taskbar was hidden. This would automatically and temporarily disable all edge bump activation methods, a feature implemented to prevent users from being accidentaly dumped into the desktop when playing full screen games.
Archived News
Happy Holidays!
December 23, 2024
Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Just in time for Christmas, v18.12 is a massive release featuring the new Grid Stacks and Search Filters (Nexus Ultimate), multi monitor profiles and much more!
After nearly 20 years providing the best products at competitive prices, Winstep is increasing the prices of all its applications for the first time - just to make up (barely) for inflation.
Major release featuring the ability to access docks directly from NextSTART, new Delete Effect with 22 different animations, alarm overlays and much more!
Major release featuring new Delete Effect with many different animations, enhanced Media Player functionality and playlist handling, alarm overlays and much more!
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU).
New alarm options, full dock keyboard support, power saving modes and media player internal command, plus many other performance and stability improvements!
New Fast Boot option, running Universal Windows Apps in Windows 10 now display the proper icon and can be pinned to docks and the taskbar, and much more!
High DPI compatibility, combined dock shortcuts with running applications, Weather module Geo location, better Windows 10 integration and much more in this release!
With Windows 10 just around the corner, many users have been wondering if Winstep applications (Nexus, Nexus Ultimate and Winstep Xtreme) will work correctly with it.
In an effort to force you into using Metro, Microsoft stripped the familiar Start Menu out of Windows 8. In the process it also stripped your ability to chose for yourself what is best for you.
Major release featuring nine new incredible dock mouseover effects, five new menu opening animations, Windows 7 "Superbar" ability with window previews and aeropeek capability on docks, horizontal sub-docks, and much more!
Major release featuring nine new incredible dock mouseover effects, Windows 7 "Superbar" ability with window previews and aeropeek capability, and much more!
Version 1.4 fixes an issue in which the Pro version of the program could stop when expanding the Administrative Tools group and adds support for 23 languages.