Command | Action |
Action Center | Opens the Windows 10 Action Center panel. |
Accounts | Opens the Windows 10 Accounts dialog. |
Add New Hardware | Opens the Windows Device Manager dialog. |
Add New Printer | Opens the Windows Add Printer dialog. |
Add-Remove Programs | Opens the Windows Programs and Features dialog. |
Alarm Manager | Opens the Winstep Alarm Manager dialog. |
Apps | Opens the Windows 10 Apps dialog. |
Auto-Backup Settings | Backups all application settings with automatically generated filename. |
Backup [Application] Settings | Backups the application settings. |
Bring [Application] Forward | Brings all application related objects to the foreground. |
CD Control | Shows inserted media type and opens/closes the CD drawer when clicked. |
Capture Desktop | Saves a screenshot of the desktop as a JPG or PNG file. |
Cascade Windows | Cascades all windows. |
Check for Updates | Checks for the existence of newer versions of the application. |
Clear Recent Documents | Clears the Recent Documents list. |
Connect to the Internet | Initiates a Dial-up connection. |
Control Panel | Opens the Windows Control Panel. |
Date & Time Properties | Opens the Windows Date and Time dialog. |
Devices | Opens the Windows 10 Devices dialog. |
Disconnect Modem | Terminates a Dial-up connection. |
Display Properties | Opens the Windows Display Properties (Personalization) dialog. |
Ease of Access | Opens the Windows 10 Ease of Access dialog. |
Empty Recycle Bin | Empties the contents of the Recycle Bin. |
Exit Winstep Xtreme | Exits all Winstep Xtreme applications after confirmation. |
Exit [Application] | Exits the application after confirmation. |
Fast Boot | Toggles Fast Boot (start at the same time as the Windows desktop). |
Game Controllers | Opens the Windows Game Controlers dialog. |
Gaming | Opens the Windows 10 Gaming dialog. |
Hibernate | Hibernates the computer. |
Hide All | Hides all docks, fades out all open desktop modules and collapses the Shelf. |
Hide Desktop Icons | Hides all desktop icons. |
Hide Taskbar | Hides the Windows taskbar. |
Hide/Show Desktop Icons | Toggles the visibility of desktop icons. |
Hide/Show Taskbar | Toggles the visibility of the Windows taskbar. |
Internet Options | Opens the Windows Internet Properties dialog. |
Keyboard | Opens the Windows Keyboard Properties dialog. |
Language Bar | Displays and switches current language and input methods. |
Lock Computer | Displays the Windows Login screen. |
Log Off | Logs off the current user after confirmation. |
Lookup IP Address | Shows the external (web) IP address and user's geographical location. |
Media Mute | Mutes/unmutes the sound volume. |
Media Next | Skips to the next track if Media Player is open. |
Media Pause | Pauses the track/video if Media Player is open. |
Media Play | Plays the media if Media Player is open. |
Media Player | Runs the built-in Media Player. |
Media Previous | Skips to the previous track if Media Player is open. |
Media Stop | Stops playing the media if Media Player is open. |
Media Volume Down | Lowers media volume if Media Player is open. |
Media Volume Up | Increases media volume if Media Player is open. |
Minimize All Windows | Minimizes all open windows. |
More Themes | Opens the Winstep Themes page in the default web browser. |
Mouse Properties | Opens the Windows Mouse Properties dialog. |
Multimedia Properties | Opens the Windows Sound dialog. |
My Computer | Opens the My Computer dialog showing all disk drives. |
Network & Internet | Opens the Windows 10 Network & Internet dialog. |
Network Neighbourhood | Opens the Windows Network Neighbourhood dialog. |
Network Properties | Opens the Windows Network Connections dialog. |
ODBC32 Data Admin. | Opens the Windows OBDC Data Source Administrator dialog. |
Peek Desktop | Uses Aero in Windows 7 to peek at the desktop. |
Personalization | Opens the Windows 10 Personalization dialog. |
Phone | Opens the Windows 10 Phone dialog. |
Power Management | Opens the Windows Power Options dialog. |
Power Off Monitor | Powers off all monitors. |
Power Options | Opens the Windows 10 Power Options dialog. |
Power Saving Mode | Toggles power saving mode (None, Normal, Ultra) to save battery. |
Printers | Opens the Windows Printers dialog. |
Privacy | Opens the Windows 10 Privacy dialog. |
Quick Exit Winstep Xtreme | Exits all Winstep Xtreme applications without confirmation. |
Quick Exit [Application] | Exits application without confirmation. |
Quick Log Off | Logs off the current user without confirmation. |
Quick Restart Windows | Restarts Windows without confirmation. |
Quick Shutdown Windows | Shuts down the system without confirmation. |
Recycle Bin | Shows the contents of the Recycle Bin. |
Regional Settings | Opens the Windows Regional Settings dialog. |
Restart Windows | Restarts Windows after confirmation. |
Reset Reserved Screen Space | Resets areas at the edges of the screen that are not to be overlapped by maximized windows. |
Restore All Windows | Restores all minimized windows. |
Restore Wallpaper | Changes the wallpaper to the one used before a Winstep theme changed it. |
Restore [Application] Settings | Restores the application settings. |
Run | Opens the Windows Run dialog. |
Search | Opens the Windows Search dialog. |
Search Settings | Opens the Windows 10 Search dialog. |
Show Desktop | Hides all open windows, equivalent to pressing WIN+D. |
Show Desktop Folder | Opens the contents of the desktop in a Windows folder. |
Show Desktop Icons | Shows desktop icons if previously hidden. |
Show Fonts | Opens the Windows Fonts dialog. |
Show Taskbar | Shows the Windows taskbar if previously hidden. |
Show Tip of the Day | Opens the Tip of the Day dialog. |
Show Volume Control | Opens the Windows Volume Mixer control. |
Show Windows Side by Side | Shows all open windows side by side. |
Show Windows Stacked | Stacks all open windows. |
Show/Hide Desktop Modules | Toggles visibility of desktop modules (Winstep Xtreme only). |
Shutdown Windows | Shuts down the system after confirmation. |
Sleep | Makes the computer enter Sleep Mode. |
Sleep Timer | Opens the full screen sleep timer alarm to fall asleep with music. |
Sounds | Opens the Windows Sound dialog. |
Start Flip3D | Invokes the Windows 7 Flip3D function (Windows 7 only). |
Start Menu | Opens the Windows Start Menu. |
Start Screen-Saver | Runs the screen-saver. |
System | Opens the Windows 10 System (About) dialog. |
System Properties | Opens the Windows System dialog. |
Task Manager | Opens the Windows Task Manager. |
Task View | Opens the Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Manager. |
Telephony Properties | Opens the Windows Phone and Modem dialog. |
Time & Language | Opens the Windows 10 Time & Language dialog. |
Version Info | Opens the Version Info dialog for the application. |
WinAmp Preferences | Opens WinAmp Preferences if WinAmp is running. |
WinAmp Show Equalizer | Opens the WinAmp Equalizer if WinAmp is running. |
WinAmp Show Playlist | Opens the WinAmp Playlist if WinAmp is running. |
Windows Help | Shows the Windows Help dialog. |
Windows Settings | Opens the Windows 10 Settings dialog. |
Windows Update | Opens the Windows 10 Windows Update dialog. |
[Application] Help | Opens the Help file for the application. |
[Application] Preferences | Opens the Preferences screen of the application. |